Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Day Out

Today I am handing a resume into Big W. Sim's brother has recommended me to the Night Manager there.

I know I desperately need work....but I was really hoping against Night Fill. I am going to go insane not seeing Sim - I'll be leaving for work as he comes home. In addition, my hands get really bad soemtimes with the RSI...it will be interesting to see how it goes.

But still, I am optimistic about getting it. It won't really matter to her how I got fired from my last job - she has a recommendation from someone who's opinion she respects.

I really must thank Ged for doing this for me. He may not realise how big a deal it is that I am getting out of the house even to hand the resume in. I will pick something up for him today I think, write a nice card and leave it in his room. I don't think I will be able to say anything to his face - it always come out wrong when I talk to him.

I am also going to pick up a new top today, with Sim's permission. We have a very strict budget while we pay back his parents. But, with all the weight I have lost, I would really like to have something that fits me. This Saturday is the 60th birthday of a friend of the family. And so I will have soemthing new to wear. That always makes a girl feel good doesn't it?

Anyway, I should go and get ready to go.



Estelle said...

Thanks for the nice comments about my photos!

Jirya said...

No problem darl - they deserved it!